Tug of War
9:22 AM
"It’s a two phase event. The first phase is open for typically one day. During the first phase the Treasure Hunt is open and you’re getting chests from destroyed monuments on enemy bases. Chests contain different event-specific awards such as energy packs, inner fire, valor (ordinary and great,) etc.
The second phase is a battle one and open for typically four to five days. At this time the chests do or do not (varies from event to event) stop dropping from destroyed monuments; regardless of this, the chests are now awarded to a player for attacking enemy bases in the event.
The battle phase is split into some definite amount of rounds (20 four-hour rounds for the event started on 18th Aug 2016, for instance) and the team’s only target of each round is to conquer as many flags as possible. The team's rank is a sum of all flags conquered in all rounds.
This event is 100% about team tactics as unsynchronized personal achievements mean nothing and even a very weak but well organized team can outrank a very strong but poorly organized team.
Each flag is received for getting a 1,000 or more point advantage in a team to team battle, that is very much alike to a war outside the event. In these battles you are supposed to attack players of other teams. The list of current battles looks as follows:"
Click the link below for more and photos.http://wardragons.ru/en/knowledge-base-en/events/tug-of-war-event.html
Podcast: http://www.wardragons.info/tugofwar.html