King Of The Hill
5:51 PM
KOH just ended and figured this post will come in handy for the next time. Its an article from the Russia Team which I am so grateful for! Ty Russia Team!
"It’s a two phase event. The first phase is open for one day. During the first phase the Treasure Hunt is open and you’re getting chests from destroyed monuments on enemy bases. Chests contain different event-specific awards such as energy packs, barricades, siege weapons of different rarity, etc.
The second phase is a battle one and open for five days. The chests stop dropping from destroyed monuments and are now awarded to a player only for destroying the whole enemy base.
⦁ The map shows 25 fortresses. Each fortress is protected by the “shield” for one hour each time it’s taken over by a new team and thus is not available for attacks within this period of time.
⦁ In the upper left corner of the map you can find the energy counter (1) and the energy renew button (2)
⦁ Also you can find on the map some other information: the damage points multiplier (3) and its activation button (4) the current hourly victory points amount from all the fortress taken over by your team (5) and the damage points haul remained to be received from your attacks to be awarded with the next prize.
At the start of the second phase all the fortresses are owned by the Blackbloods (a virtual computer team) and the main task of the event is to take over as many fortresses as your team can and to protect them for the longest time possible. All fortresses are of different defense power (level), the higher defense power is the more points your team gets by taking it over and protecting it.
When you select a fortress to attack by tapping it you get a list of its defenders (the players of the team that currently owns the fortress.)
Each attack costs you 4 energy points. The damage to the fortress is a result of your attacks on its defenders: the higher the defender’s level (shown to the right of its name in the list of the defenders) is the more damage you inflict on the fortress when destroying the defender’s base.
There are some multipliers to the damage inflicted:
Each attack costs you 4 energy points. The damage to the fortress is a result of your attacks on its defenders: the higher the defender’s level (shown to the right of its name in the list of the defenders) is the more damage you inflict on the fortress when destroying the defender’s base.
There are some multipliers to the damage inflicted:
- the multiplier that depends of the time period that the fortress is owned by the current team;
- the multiplier for using siege weapons.
Siege weapons are activated by an attacking player and last for some definite period of time (life span) and increase damage inflicted on the fortress within this period of time (by this player only and not other teammates, of course.) If you activate several siege weapons of the same rarity at once, they last for the period that is a sum of their individual life spans. If you activate several siege weapons of different rarity, you’ll get the summary bonus to the damage within their overlapping life spans.
After a successful attack you will be shown a window with the resulting damage inflicted on the fortress by your attack and this damage components (bonuses, etc.) This damage will go to your personal achievements. Upon accumulating some damage point haul you can get an individual prize.
After the first successful attack on a defender you can “attack” this same defender many more times without actually (physically) attacking his/her base – you need just tap the button with a lightning to the left of the player’s name. The first virtual attack will cost you one energy point, the second attack takes two energy points, the third attack takes three energy points, etc. (see individual tactical tips bellow for valuable information on how to use this opportunity.)
While being defended a fortress accumulates victory points for the team that owns it. These points will be distributed among all attacking teams on a ratio of their attacking players’ corresponding damage inflicted on the fortress defense -- at the time the fortress is taken over by one of the attacking teams.
The time a fortress defense drops to zero from the attacks, the fortress goes to a team randomly chosen from those attacking (see team tactical tips bellow.) The more damage your team has inflicted the higher the chances to get the fortress are.
After being taken over by your team the fortress is protected by the “shield” for one hour and other teams are not allowed to attack it. You can apply barricades to strengthen its defense to increase the period of control by your team and thus allow your team to gain more victory points for owning the fortress for longer time.
Your team rank is a sum of all victory points.
After a successful attack you will be shown a window with the resulting damage inflicted on the fortress by your attack and this damage components (bonuses, etc.) This damage will go to your personal achievements. Upon accumulating some damage point haul you can get an individual prize.
After the first successful attack on a defender you can “attack” this same defender many more times without actually (physically) attacking his/her base – you need just tap the button with a lightning to the left of the player’s name. The first virtual attack will cost you one energy point, the second attack takes two energy points, the third attack takes three energy points, etc. (see individual tactical tips bellow for valuable information on how to use this opportunity.)
While being defended a fortress accumulates victory points for the team that owns it. These points will be distributed among all attacking teams on a ratio of their attacking players’ corresponding damage inflicted on the fortress defense -- at the time the fortress is taken over by one of the attacking teams.
The time a fortress defense drops to zero from the attacks, the fortress goes to a team randomly chosen from those attacking (see team tactical tips bellow.) The more damage your team has inflicted the higher the chances to get the fortress are.
After being taken over by your team the fortress is protected by the “shield” for one hour and other teams are not allowed to attack it. You can apply barricades to strengthen its defense to increase the period of control by your team and thus allow your team to gain more victory points for owning the fortress for longer time.
Your team rank is a sum of all victory points.
The bonuses to your attacks from applying a siege weapon depend on its rarity:
⦁ a basic siege weapon gives a 10% bonus to your damage points; its life span is 15 minutes;
⦁ a rare siege weapon gives a 50% bonus to your damage points; its life span is 30 minutes;
⦁ an epic siege weapon gives a 100% bonus to your damage points; its life span is 70 minutes.
There are some tactical tips on the event as follows:
All attacks take energy points. The energy restores within some time and is limited by 16 points if you don’t apply energy packs. Thus you need to take part in the event since its very beginning and you should not allow the energy to reach its ceiling (16 points) and freeze there.
Use virtual attacks on the defender after an actual (physical) one. The physical attack takes four energy points, the first virtual attack after it takes just one point, the second one takes two points, the third one takes three points, the forth one take five points, the firth one takes eight point, etc. Thus we recommend you to carry one physical attack and then three virtual attacks (10 energy points compared to 16 points in case of four physical attacks.)
If you’ve activated siege weapons and their life span is not over yet, you should consider to use energy packs (if you have them, of course.) Provided you have strong dragons ready to continue your attacks and there are fortresses on the map deserving your attacks in terms of lucrative damage points.
Consider to apply rare and/or epic siege weapons only when you’re ready to spend several energy packs and only when you have enough personal time to attack while the siege life span is not over yet.
The above tips are all about a player’s individual tactics. There are some team tactical tips as follows:
The more victory points the higher your team rank. Victory points come from attacking and defending. Equip all the monuments on your own base with +30% attack/defense boosts, ideally for the whole battle phase. The stronger your base’s defense is the less damage your enemies inflict on the fortress under your defense per one attack.
As mentioned above, the higher contribution of your team in attacks on a fortress is the higher chances are to seize control of it and receive more victory points accumulated while owning and defending the fortress under your team’s control.
The team leader and/or officers should mark the fortresses to be attacked by you and your teammates by a red circle. Carry all your attacks only on these marked bases until they are taken over by your team. Your team should delegate an officer (or the team leader) for the whole battle phase to keep an eye on the situation on the map, mark perspective fortresses, and channel team efforts via the Team Chat (or ideally via a dedicated Command Chat as Team Russia does)
If your team is the higher contributor to attacks on a specific fortress when its defense drops to zero, then your team has 50% chance to seize control of the fortress. The remaining 50% chance is distributed among all other teams that have attacked the fortress on a basis of their relative contribution. Thus, mathematically speaking, the more fortresses have been attacked by your team the higher chances to seize control of some of them by your team are.
Apply barricades on the fortresses under your control. Barricades are hard to obtain, so apply them only to high level fortresses owned by your team.
Winning strategy
The best way to get a good haul of points in the event is to do the following:
- Find 1,5 hour in your schedule to play the game without any interruption.
- Spend all your energy to zero on attacks.
- Buy 100 energy points for 4k rubies (available through the energy renew button.)
- Activate an epic and rare siege weapon.
- Carry 10 attack series, each series should contain four attacks: one physical attack and three virtual attacks (10 energy points per a series, see tips above.)
- Don’t forget to activate one more rare siege weapon half an hour after you started this quest.
- Depending on the remaining epic siege weapon life span buy 32 energy points for two energy packs (16 points for one pack) and carry three series of attacks.
- Depending on the remaining epic siege weapon life span buy 16 energy points for now two energy pack and carry one series of attacks.
- Depending on the remaining epic siege weapon life span repeat Step 7.
- At some time you won’t be able to buy 16 energy points for just two energy packs as the “price” grows to three packs and some rubies. You should stop here and repeat Step 1 to 9 one day later, when the energy renew counter are going to be reset to zero (you see this counter when renewing your energy points.)
Best wishes,
RUSSIA Guild Team!"
RUSSIA Guild Team!"