Leveling Guide

11:40 PM

Save your XP after breedable in case of a Dragon Training Event! - 
"Leveling Guide: 14+ Tips to Level Your Dragons Fast in War Dragons
All, here is a guide to leveling. War dragons is super fun if you can level your dragons quickly, breed them quickly, and overall have a strong army to impress your friends and help lead your team. Leveling has a few basics that must be mastered, but many tips and tricks that can help as time goes on. Here's my guide, let me know what I am missing and I'll add your tips and credit you in the remarks at the bottom. Copy and paste this into your wiki and email sections of this to your teams (they read the emails 20x more than the wiki, so sending a weekly email on leveling is a great reminder):

1. Each player has an “XP Cap” related to your level, that is the most you can earn from defeating any base. For instance, if you are Level 50, your maximum xp per battle is about 3,400. If you defeat a base level 80, or lvl. 100, or even lvl. 250, you will still only earn 3,400xp. As you get to higher levels, your “XP Cap” will increase to higher amounts.

2. If multiple dragons controlled by you attack in a single battle, the total XP is divided between them, but the cap doesn’t increase (if teammates join, their own cap affects their winnings). Dividing up your xp between dragons is called “XP Dilution.” To level quickly, you must not dilute your xp by sharing betwee dragons in a single battle.

3. Every dragon, every day, gets 3 multiplier “training” battles (x5, x4, x3). They are the key to fast leveling.


5. This is achieved by the leveling dragon LEADING OUT on a max-xp run and EITHER completing the base solo OR having backup help from a teammate to finish the base.

6. You should have training bases bookmarked for solo runs. Here is how to find them if you are starting out: (1) click on the balloon to see fights and scroll down to all the bases that deliver your max xp. (2) click on each base that gives max xp, and see the defense power of the base. (3) Click through multiple pages and study all the bases that deliver max xp, page after page, looking at 2-3 dozen bases over 10 minutes or so to get a feel for what is hard vs. what is easy for you. (4) Begin bookmarking the easy ones that you discover. Look for the easiest possible bases that deliver max xp and get many of them in your bookmarks.

7. When you get higher level, work with your teammates to find and bookmark training or "farm xp" bases that people have created specifically to be easy yet deliver good xp. Having a few of these is critical to being able to level when you can’t get backup from teammates.

8. Regardless of how hard you try and how many bases you bookmark, some of your weaker or newer dragons will not be strong enough to defeat a max-xp base by themselves. In these situations, it is CRITICAL that you have a team who will work together with you to back up these dragons when they attack the max xp bases on the training runs.
You need to ask for help on the team chat, and get a commitment for someone else to follow you before you begin the battle. If you don’t have any players online at that moment, try waiting until later and ask again. Never waste the multiplier runs if there is any way to keep from doing so.

To be a good teammate, offer your help as "baby backup" on the team chat for teammates who need help completing their runs. When you do so, tell your teammate to pull out of the battle immediately, you know the baby can't defeat the base, no sense in it taking damage. Just swap immediately and you kill the base so they can heal fast and level faster.

9. When you are asking for help, offer to fight a certain base level or a rich base with needed resources. The person offering backup might have token missions but needs a minimum base level for the battle to count. Likewise, the game gives the attacking player up to 100% of resources (RSS) but backup player gets only 25% of those RSS. Providing backup is teamwork & selfless service, offer to send them the RSS from the base as a "thank you." (For instance, if you find a base that delivers max-xp and also gives 10,000 food, if your teammate joins you in the battle, he or she will only get 2,500 food, while you get the full 10,000. Offer to send your teammate the 10,000 for helping you out).

10. Important: if you join someone else's run with your leveling dragon and are the second attacker, the game caps your xp at 75% of your max-xp, no matter the base level, so the LEVELING DRAGON MUST LEAD THE ATTACK. Many players don’t understand this, and assume if they follow an advanced player on a high level base they will get their max xp, but this is not the case.

11. If you are leading an attack and a dragon is following you, leave 1-2 weakened buildings for the other dragon to kill. If you destroy everything except the last shot, the following player will probably get only 50-60% of the max-xp, instead of the potential 75%. Let the second player do a little damage in the fight.

12. You don’t need to defeat an entire base (100%) to get 100% of your max-xp. Shoot for 85%, usually defeating at least 85% of a base will get you all the xp and most or all of the available resources. (try killing at least one farm or mill to ensure a high resource amount). You will get a reduced medal count, but your leveling dragon will not suffer.

13. Food: at high levels, you will need very high food totals to level your dragon. Organically “farming” this food will be insufficient to get enough to level your dragon because periodic raids will take your food. You need to get a food “dump” from your teammates of a large quantity all at once so you can feed and level your dragon. Advice for doing this: (1) create a message board called “RSS Hotline” or something similar, used exclusively for asking for food/wood. (2) when a player asks for a RSS, be specific, “I need 120k food to feed Amarok” and the team can reply with commitments “I can send 30k” and “I can send 45k.” Once enough commitments are stated, all players send their food at once so the player gets the full amount within the span of a couple of minutes and is able to feed the dragon without losing all the food to a raid. (3) If this is difficult to coordinate, try sending all commitments to the highest-level player, who is less likely to be attacked and more able to send a huge supply at once, this allows the full amount to be packaged into one dump as opposed to several small ones.

14. As always, remember to swap out your dragon before you die! Huge rookie mistake, you are not a suicide soldier (unless you have the self destruct spell), there are no additional points for dying on the field. Pull out, heal quickly.

15. See my other post "War Hacks: How to Earn 300,000+ Food per Hour," and approach a high-level team offering to be a temporary RSS Intern. They can bring you on for 2-3 days midweek (not during a weekend event). During that time, spend a few hours each day battling high-RSS bases (that give max-xp to you) with their high level backup and sending back the RSS, keeping the xp. After a couple of days of doing this your dragons will be ready to level 3-4 times each and you can go back to your regular team for the weekend events.
Last edited by Salamanca01-25-2016, 12:33 AM."

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